Missions Involvement
Missions Involvement
Global Missions is a large ministry made up of thousands of individuals who have felt the call to go and spread the gospel. Do you feel called? The first step is to pray and speak to your pastor about your burden for the mission field.

Attention Pastors! Global Missions is seeking NEXT GEN missionaries.
Global Missions is seeking NEXT GEN missionaries and is in need of you, pastors and leaders, to assist us in identifying who they are so we can help develop them for service. We encourage you to test them through your mentoring processes, give them opportunities to be involved in evangelism locally, and let them participate in the missions vision of your local church. When they are ready, let us train them and walk with them through our Short-Term Missions programs. We are committed to bringing, “The Whole Gospel to the Whole World…by the Whole Church,” and are actively providing a pathway to the harvest and creating a community of laborers. You’ve given of your finances, help us reach even further by Giving a Goer!
Learn about Missions

In an effort to sow good seed into good soil, Global Missions is seeking to begin the process of including the Alpha Generation in its missional scope. The Alpha Generation refers to those born since 2010. We are intent on mobilizing as many people in this group as possible to be “Global Christians!” Why? Because global Christians pray for the lost, they give their time, talents and resources to caring for others, and some are invited by the Lord of the Harvest to serve as NEXT GEN missionaries. Find out how your children’s ministry can host a GoNEXT Kids seminar in 2020 at www.globalconnextions.org/gonextkids.

Global Missions has hosted its fourth Global ConNEXTions Weekend, GCXW22, in St. Louis on November 3-5, 2022. Our theme was, “TRIBE NATION TONGUE,” as found in Revelation 7:9, reminding attendees that Jesus is the reason for reaching into all nations and people groups with the gospel. Whether it be giving in prayer, in purse and/or pursuing a future in missions, this interactive, informational and inspirational event is the ticket to discovering what comes next. The Fall 2024 dates will be posted before long. If you’re a pastor, send us those in your congregation who are ready to discover new and growing short-term missions opportunities. If you’re the one seeking for direction, this is one event you can’t afford to miss. We won’t stop until Revelation 7:9 becomes a reality! For more info, please visit: https://globalconnextions.org. To enjoy videos from this year and previous events, visit our YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/gmshorttermmissions.
Experience Missions
After speaking to your pastor and prayer, there are several ways that you can get involved. The best starting point is to experience missions on a trip. There are several trips to consider:

AYC trips are through the UPCI Youth Ministries. These are generally two week trips with groups of 20-100 people.
International Trips sponsored by your district or local church
Short-Term Involvement
Many who experience a missions trip feel their call confirmed and seek to take the next right step. There are several short-term missions programs that provide a pathway to the harvest.

The NEXT STEPS program is the perfect balance of training (3 weeks) and apprenticing (5 weeks) in a missions context outside of North America. Visit nextstepsprogram.net for more information and to see what participants have had to say about their experiences. NEXT STEPS, it’s the perfect bridge between AYC and the Global Missions Associates in Missions (AIM) programs.
Application deadline: January 18, 2023
2022 Location: Santiago, Chile
Budget: $7,500.00

All around the world committed, missions-focused individuals are making a massive impact through our Associates programs, AIM and AMP. AIMers are involved in part-time and full time-ministry including work in churches, Bible schools, orphanages, cancer associations, ESL training, and more. Our AMP program continues to grow with dedicated, experienced AIMers on the path to making missions a long-term commitment. Whether through conventional or non-conventional means, Global Missions is committed to providing a pathway to the harvest and creating a community of laborers through these associates programs. Must be 18 to apply.

Are you a licensed minister in good standing with your district? Do you take overseas trips to minister? If so, you qualify to apply for an Associated Minister status with Global Missions. Share what God is doing through your ministry! Once you’ve applied, follow the simple online process for providing us with three positive references, then watch your mailbox for your welcome packet. Once you have approval packet, plan your trip(s) raise your funds (PIM form PDF available upon request), then go! Be sure to send us a report of how God received glory from your ministry overseas. Yes, it’s that simple. To find out more and get your initial questions answered, please visit the gmstm.net portal and click the Associated Ministers link.
PLEASE VISIT OUR SHORT-TERM MISSIONS PORTAL, for more info and program stats.

Teaching English is quickly becoming a great tool for reaching into access challenged nations and serving immigrant and refugee communities right here in North America. Each summer 12-18 participants gather for an intense 60-hour Advantage certification course hosted by Global Missions at the World Headquarters in Weldon Spring, Missouri. Instructors from the Teach2Go Network provide in-person training that checks all the boxes for this type of training plus an added spiritual dimension that other programs lack. Upon completion of a peer teaching element, participants receive their 60-hour Advantage certificate and may proceed to work a 40-hour self-directed Advantage+ program which, in some cases, may be used to obtain employment overseas (special conditions apply). See if this program is right for you!
Lifetime or Long-Term Involvement
While serving in short-term ministry, you may feel that this is where God has called you to be on a full-time basis. Global Missions desires to support passionate ministers that God has called to the mission field to be able to serve full-time in the ministry.
Intermediate Missionary
Intermediate missionary is a full-time missionary status supported by Partner’s In Missions (PIM). The appointment is indefinite and is the first of two levels in financial supported Global Missions. Previous missions experience at the Associate level is recommended.
Career Missionary
Career missionary is a full-time missionary status for ordained ministers supported by Partner’s In Missions (PIM). The appointment is indefinite and is the second of two levels in financial supported Global Missions. Previous missions experience at the Intermediate level is recommended.